imagine the positive impact you can make

Over 21% of Kiwi children live in households where food runs out sometimes or often. KiwiHarvest rescue good food that would otherwise go to waste and get this food to communities across New Zealand. Your donation to KiwiHarvest can make a significant impact. Join us in our mission to feed families and reduce waste. Every donation, no matter the size, makes a meaningful difference. With every $5 donation to KiwiHarvest, you’re not just feeding a family of 4, 3 meals a day; you’re also making a positive impact on the planet. Every kg of food rescued by KiwiHarvest prevent 2.65 kgs of CO2 equivalent from being released into our environment.

It’s a win-win. More smiles, less waste, how good!!!


Kilos of food rescued


Meals delivered

(Meals based on 450grams)


Recipient charities currently supporting


CO2eq prevented from entering the atmosphere

Kiwiharvest rescue good food destined for landfill and distribute this food to 220 charities across aotearoa

Your donation doesn’t just fill hungry bellies, it also reduces food waste and supports sustainability efforts. By rescuing surplus food that would otherwise go to waste, KiwiHarvest ensures that families in need receive nutritious meals while also lessening the environmental impact of food waste. So, the only question left is, how many families will you feed today?

how to help kiwiharvest


give monthly

become a partner

fundraise for us

KiwiHarvest is a registered charity (CC51036) and all donations over $5 are tax deductible. For one-off donations, you will receive a tax receipt soon afterwards. For regular donors, you will receive your tax receipt at the end of the financial year.