Celebrating Community Champions: Haylee’s Incredible Impact in Bluff with KiwiHarvest 

At KiwiHarvest, we’re dedicated to rescuing food and ensuring it reaches those who need it most. But the real magic happens when incredible individuals take this rescued food and transform it into initiatives that nourish communities. One such person is Haylee from Hayz At The Anchorage in Bluff. 

Building Community Through Nourishment and Connection. 

Haylee from Hayz At The Anchorage holding a crate of rescued veggies with Jen from KiwiHarvest

At the heart of Bluff’s community is Haylee from Hayz At The Anchorage, whose community efforts have brought people together through food and connection. Her Pensioners Lunch Special provides 120 elderly residents with hearty, affordable meals every fortnight, creating a welcoming space for companionship and laughter. Similarly, weekly gatherings for the Bluff Senior Citizens Group are brightened by homemade baked goods, fostering joy and social bonds. For those unable to attend in person, Haylee coordinates the delivery of hundreds of ready-made meals to Bluff’s most vulnerable residents, ensuring they feel cared for and connected. During the holiday season, she oversees the distribution of Christmas hampers and meals, spreading festive cheer to Bluff’s elderly and families in need. 

Empowering the Next Generation 

Haylee from Hayz At the Anchorage standing with a group of St Johns Cadets, school ages kids who are community volunteers
St Johns cadets school age volunteers helping out in the community but baking cookies and delivering them to people in the community.

Haylee’s passion for supporting Bluff’s youth is evident in initiatives like the Bluff Community School Breakfast Club, where 40 students are served nutritious meals daily. These breakfasts do more than nourish—they encourage positive routines and set students up for a successful day of learning. When budget cuts threatened the St John’s Youth Cadet Program, Haylee stepped in with healthy snacks made from rescued food, fuelling the cadets’ training and boosting their morale. She also guided the cadets in creating handmade truffles, a heartfelt gift for local pensioners that taught the importance of generosity and community care. At Rangatahi events, Haylee honoured Bluff’s kaumātua with delicious cakes and slices, celebrating the intergenerational connections that strengthen the community. 

Using Rescued Food to Inspire and Sustain 

A master at transforming surplus food into meaningful initiatives, Haylee collaborates with KiwiHarvest to bring nourishment and inspiration to Bluff. Through her partnership with Bluff New Life Church, she helps provide hearty soups and baked goods to those experiencing financial hardship, creating moments of comfort and hope. Her culinary talents were also on display at KiwiHarvest’s Southland Truck Launch and Third Anniversary Celebration, where she showcased the creative potential of rescued food. These events inspired attendees to rethink food waste and embrace sustainability, a value that Haylee weaves into every aspect of her work. From using biodegradable containers to crafting thousands of meals, she leads by example, proving that feeding a community and protecting the planet go hand in hand. 

Celebrating Community Spirit 

A collection of donated food, pantry items and sanitary products.

Whether it’s the joy of Christmas in the Bluff, where hundreds of residents share food and festive traditions, or the weekly gatherings that bring smiles to Bluff’s seniors, Haylee’s initiatives are a testament to the power of compassion and connection. Each effort is supported by KiwiHarvest’s contributions, but it’s Haylee’s vision and dedication that transform rescued food into opportunities for Bluff to thrive. By addressing food insecurity, combating social isolation, and fostering resilience, Haylee has created a ripple effect of positivity that touches every generation in her community. 

KiwiHarvest are proud to support the incredible work carried out by the charitable organisations. It is inspiring to see what is possible when compassion, resourcefulness, and community spirit come together.  


Nourishing Communities: The Positive Impact of Food Support from KiwiHarvest.